
My 2016 ONE WORD!

The New Year typically results in Resolutions.. Resolutions that tend to go unmet year after year.

But what if.. instead of making a list of resolutions.. you had just ONE WORD that you will live by for the year?
What if.. that ONE WORD changed the way you think, work, act and feel towards everything you apply it to in life?

Wouldn't that be LIFE CHANGING?

I've thought long and hard about this.. and have been challenged to find a WORD that I can live by this year.. a word that keeps me accountable.. a word that will lift me up on my days when I'm down..

My word is COURAGE!

Believe it or not.. 2015 for me was a year of complacency and fear. And if you have goals in life.. complacency leave no room for improvement! I have help myself back from so many things and literally shifted into a mindset that was surrounded by fear and doubt. A mindset that I worked so hard to stray away from because of my past. And while I am not the same person from my past.. my MIND has shifted. I refuse to lead life with fear in the forefront. I want to be fear-LESS! And so when I thought about my one word for 2016.. I thought about COURAGE!

When I think about the word COURAGE.. its exactly how I want to lead! Lead my life.. lead my team.. lead my challengers!

Having COURAGE doesnt mean that you dont or wont have fear.. but its what you do in the face of fear that will define you! and COURAGE is what will take you thru that! COURAGE means being able to follow your heart! Often times we dont do what we truly want to do because we are afraid and filled with worry about. Thoughts flood our mind and literally "talk" us out of staying true to our dreams. COURAGE gives us the perseverance to keep moving forward. To keep striving to be the best we can be. EVEN in the face of adversity! and lets be honest.. we will ALWAYS have some type of adversity in our lives. But COURAGE is what picks you up!

So while I have many goals that I will be achieving this year.. I know that COURAGE is what it will take! COURAGE is what I have!


Day 1 of 3 Day Refresh

Started the 3 Day Refresh today.. because I dont know about you.. but I indulged a little too much over the Halloween weekend!.  And to be honest.. this is something that Ive done in the past and achieved great results!

Here is a quick look at my meals for the day!

Day 1 Lunch
Day 1 Snack
Day 1 Dinner

Check out my review from the first time I did the Refresh!


LIFE Happened?

"LIFE" happens!
Ever said that to yourself when you dont have time to workout, lead a healthy lifestyle, or stay on course with your goals?
GUESS WHAT??? That ^^^ is just an excuse to NOT do things!
Here's the thing.. We are ALL living life! that means we are in the moment.. right now, this second.. everyday! LIFE will not change for you to accomplish things you want!
Sure there are major events in our lives that come up (catastrophe's) that will prevent you from doing things.. but LIFE doesnt go away.. its here.. and you're in it! so when I hear things like "Life happened" I can't help but think that is just an EXCUSE to NOT do things that will help you get closer to your goals! Its like "life" is trying to bring you down so you dont succeed.. when in reality.. LIFE is a celebratory existence! The WAY in which you exist is what matters.. 
Now.. dont take this the wrong way.. because I am absolutely a compassionate person.. but the "LIFE HAPPENS" saying has got to stop! THAT will always be an excuse to lean on.. Instead.. we need to find it in ourselves to make changes in our lives so that life isn't "HAPPENING" to us.. but instead we are EXISTING in IT!
I shared something very personal yesterday.. and its something I battle every single month for atleast a week on end.. and there are many times that I want to shut down and RUN AWAY.. but I learned a valuable lesson in this.. LIFE HAPPENS.. and I have no other choice but to deal with it the best I know how! and while I am blessed to be able to take time to myself... that also means NOT losing sight of my goals! and WHY it is that I am living! to lead a life filled with PASSION to somehow make a difference in the world.. whether a small difference or big difference has yet to be determined.. but I still plan on making it!
So while it may be easy to fall into the LIFE HAPPENS category.. I know that I will not grow or become stronger by allowing that excuse to define who I am! I will use LIFE to build me up so that I can reach my goals with that much more grace and humbleness. 
How you HANDLE life is what matters most!  heart emoticon heart emoticon
PS.. I truly have nothing but love for everyone! and want you to see that life doesnt slow down..
so you can either roll w the punches and take control of LIFE..
or it can just happen to you.....



I had some goals that I set for myself and gave myself a deadline to reach.. and guess what.. I FAILED! I did NOT reach them.. 
And I instantly started to feel discouraged, demotivated, a little depressed, and even questioned my abilities. The feeling of FAILURE started to sink in..
But then I remembered a quote I had read a couple years ago.. (<---YES.. Personal Development STICKS with you for YEARS!!)

"Most great people have attained their GREATEST Success just one step beyond their GREATEST Failure!" ~ Napoleon Hill

See.. most people feel or experience failure and GIVE UP.. They stop dead in their tracks because in all honestly.. who really wants to admit that they arent good enough for something. I gave up PLENTY of times before.. and I know from experience.. that the feeling of GIVING UP is so much harder to absorb than the feeling of failure.. In fact.. giving up causes regrets! and regrets can last for an eternity.. it can be something that you even take to the grave.
I have so many people tell me that they can't do what I do with coaching.. and in all transparency.. YES YOU CAN! In fact.. you could be better! I am no different than anyone else out there.. But I am different in the sense that I wont GIVE UP! Ive been there and done that.. and I will take being a FAILURE far over giving up.. In fact.. I can honestly say that I have FAILED my way to Success! Over the past couple years, I have never worked harder on myself to be a better person, a better leader, a better coach! Someone who inspires others to get started, pick themselves up when they've fallen, and never give up!
And so I am sharing this with you all because while its easy to let the feelings of inadequacy take over.. there comes a point when you need to stick up for yourself and be OK with Failing! Failing is far more prevalent in this life than Succeeding.. but something strange starts to happen the more you fail.. you end up being SUCCESSFUL! Everything you wished for in the beginning of your journey.. happens after you've failed at it!!!
So today.. as I think about the goals that I set.. I am not giving up on them.. I'm setting NEW ONES.. BIGGER ONES!!! Because I know that I am that much closer to them on the other side of FAILURE! 
Change your mind to see things differently and your LIFE WILL CHANGE!!


A Case of the Monday Blues??

Seriously.. I LOVE MONDAYS!!!

I used to think of Mondays as the beginning of a LOOOONNNGGG dreaded work week!... but I've allowed myself to be open to change and opened my mind up to a new way of thinking. See what you FOCUS on E X P A N D S !!!

So if you go into the week or start your day with the mindset that its already going to be horrible.. then it will! Everything that will unfold will be exactly what you thought it would be.. BUT if you change the way you think.. just slightly.. and tell yourself how wonderful MONDAY's are.. (even if you dont believe it at first) You will eventually learn to LOVE the beginning of the week! The beginning to start fresh.. wipe out the previous week.. and set your sites on bigger things!
Why live life dreading every moment of it?
I've been there... and done that.. and TRUST me.. thats no way to live!


21 Day Fix Transformation!!

Wow.. I could not WAIT to Share these results from one of my Challengers! 
Check out her AMAZING results! I usually have people ask me "what happens after 21 Days?".. and the answer is this... YOU REPEAT the PROGRAM until you get your desired results!!!!
Kat did JUST that and her results are SOOO GOOD!!!! Don't get me wrong.. she was BACK to her pre-baby weight AFTER the 1st round (21 Days) and into her size 0 jeans by the 5 week!
In fact.. Kat fell in LOVE with the 21 Day Fix that she decided to do it 3X! AND even signed up as a Coach to help others get started JUST like she did! I am SO Proud of the work this girl put into her fitness journey!!!!
Seriously.... the 21 Day Fix has been THE BEST program to get my Challengers.. shoot... my coaches.. and EVEN myself into the the BEST shape!
PLEASE show this girl some LOVE for all her hard work and dedication!!!!!



But I just have to say it.. Moms, Women, Ladies.. our bodies are our temples! Every stripe, imperfection, and scar.. is BEAUTIFUL! I hear over and over again that women want to get "RID" of their stretch marks.. and I'm not gonna lie.. I was that person for YEARS! 
With gaining almost 50 lbs with Elysia (and Jordin.... and Logan....) I got stretch marks! ON MY BUTT!!! Everywhere! All over the place! They are there! Wearing shorts or a bikini.. they are definitely noticeable! and I tried EVERYTHING to get rid of them.. in fact, they actually fueled my insecurities to NOT wear shorts (for almost 10yrs) or go swimming.. and I always made sure that if I did go to the pool, that I wore a towel over my waist and only took it off at the edge of the pool and then got in as quickly as possible.
It wasn't until I learned something VERY VALUABLE! I had to learn to LOVE MYSELF before they no longer became an issue for me. 
Being a Health and Wellness coach has allowed me to see that the most beautiful woman is NOT one that is physically fit.. she is one that can walk with her head held high in Confidence knowing that she understands her body is a TEMPLE! A Temple that breeds life and beauty. She also breeds compassion and love. Whether her tiger stripes were given to her by creating brand new life or by transforming her own temple through her weightloss journey.. stretch marks should not be viewed as a "bad" thing! They should be viewed as her STRENGTH! That she has endured so much physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually! And THAT is so Powerful in itself!
Are there things that we can change about ourselves?
YES, ABSOLUTELY.. in fact I believe that we should place focus Daily on making ourselves a better person! and part of that is a physical transformation so that we can be healthy and live life vivaciously! 
But we need to get to a point.. where our Tiger Stripes MATTER! Not in the sense that we need to hide from them.. but we need to EMBRACE them and wear them with PRIDE! No magic wrap or pill or scrub will get rid of them.. and WHY would yo want to? They say so much about your Journey in Life! So.. this Summer.. my HOPE is that we.. as Women.. LOVE OURSELVES enough to show off our hard work!
There is a saying that Sheep go through life oblivious to what is happening around them.. they eat, sleep, drink, and follow their shepherd around..
BUT a TIGER.. a Tiger roams the jungle with Confidence and Awareness! They don't need to be led.. instead they live by their own law!

SO.. if you have Tiger Stripes.. like I do... Roam freely this Summer with Confidence!!! Show 'dem bad boys off!!!!! SHOOT... You worked HARD for them!!!!
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