
A year from NOW you will have wish you started!

I don't know about you.. but I am SO READY for the New Year! and you wanna know my FAVORITE part... its the COMMITMENT that everyone makes to change!

I remember back to 2013 when I FINALLY told that voice in my head to Shut Up! You know.. the one that says:

"You Cant Do It".. 
"Life is Too Crazy"..
"There Isn't Enough Time In The Day"..

For me... 2013 was the BEGINNING! I embraced the Challenge to shut that voice up! 2014 I was able to MAINTAIN! (trust me... that is seriously the hardest part of the process!) And since then... I have been able to help countless women get started on THEIR journeys!

I know sometimes people may question WHY I take pics.. but let me tell you.. Thats truly HOW I gauge my progress! I teach my clients how to focus on THIER bodies instead of the "scale". I was comparing my progress from 2013-2014.. and my weight in BOTH pics is the EXACT SAME! but there was definitely some changes made!

I am so excited to get my very first Challenge Group of the New Year underway! 2015 is going to be HUGE!

I'll be accepting 20 ladies for my Biggest Loser Challenge starting on January 5! Please fill out the application below! Hurry though.. My December challenge capped out at 54 challengers in a matter of DAYS!




I can't stop thinking about something Elysia said to me last night... 
As much as I do self-development.. I think its SO IMPORTANT to get my kids going as well.. Shoot.. If it took me over 30yrs to realize that Positive Thinking is a life changer.. it would be the absolute gift of all to get my kids started NOW!
Anyways... she just started reading 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C. Maxwell

.. and as we were discussing it last night.. Her BIGGEST take-away from the VERY FIRST chapter was.... 

She struggles from procrastination  (wonder where she gets it from?) 
“The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it.” ~ John C. Maxwell
One of the assignments in the book is to repeat.. "DO IT NOW" over and over, about 50 times.. EVERY morning when you wake up and EVERY night before you go to bed. Do this 5 days a week and 50 weeks a year.
And then it HIT ME... I have read this book already.. and yet this is something I NEVER picked up on! How could I have missed such a thing? But, this was my 13yr olds BIGGEST take-away?
and so it has been weighing on my mind.. in a good way 
We, as parents lead by example. Our kids are a direct reflection of US! and as much as we want to TEACH our kids everything and show them all the right.. there is SO MUCH that our kids pick up on.. that WE MISS! Its so important to HEAR what they are saying and allow them to TELL us their perspective of things.
Sometimes we miss the ball.. and they NAIL IT!!!!



Wow! Coming across this pic of me from 4 years ago when I "thought" I was in the BEST SHAPE of my life AFTER 3 kids... and seeing this pic from today.. has me SHOCKED!

NOT because of the difference in Pant Size.. 
But because... 
4 years ago... I was tired... stressed out.. accepting of the fact that there was NO WAY I could change anything else about my body.. especially AFTER having kids!
- I didn't work out because there wasn't enough time in the day
- I was TIRED of being TIRED
- My nutrition consisted of hot cheetos and beef jerky (<----YUP!)
- I couldn't make it up a flight of stairs WITHOUT losing my breathe
- I had HIPS and they DONT LIE
- I was a smoker of 15 years (only quit during my pregnancies)
- I drank about a bottle of wine a night... maybe more on weekends...
- I was short-tempered and could snap at the drop of a dime
I'm HEALTHIER and HAPPIER! Thats all!
I love life! I don't strive to be perfect.. only BETTER than I was the day before!
The fact that I've LOST WEIGHT in the process is ALL a RESULT of a decision I made 21 months ago... which was just to GIVE myself an hour a day to focus on ME!
That decision has forever changed my life! My kids lives! and my Family Life!


Affected by Holiday Weight?

I can't wait to do the 3 Day Refresh again!! It's amazing how 5lbs can make such a DIFFERENCE! Not just in how I looked.. but how I felt!!!

I remember the BIGGEST change from the refresh was how much energy I had... not to mention... I slept like a baby!

Check out my review from the first time I did the Refresh!

Day 1 Review
Day 2 Review
Day 3 Review

I peaked at the November promotions and they are STILL offering the Refresh FREE with the purchase of the PIYO challenge pack!!!!! Click the link to get yours!!!


Little Black Dress Challenge!

When I signed up as a Coach, I had these small glimpses of me helping other ladies reach their Fitness goals.. and when I say small.. I mean.. I HOPED I could do it, but couldn't actually see it VIVIDLY come to fruition... And I didn't know HOW I could ever even begin to make it happen. Especially since I hadn't even started working on myself.  

And here I am now... a year and a half later.. and I have not only HELPED myself get into the BEST shape of my life.. but I have gotten over 100 LADIES started on THIER FITNESS JOURNEYS!

Its so easy to say.. I'll wait for the New Year to get started. and I don't know about you.. but there are VERY FEW Resolutions that I've kept.. ESPECIALLY the one that I always made year after year about "getting in shape". And because I've helped so many women THROUGHOUT the year.. I realized.. You DO NOT need a Resolution to get started.. YOU JUST NEED TO START!

We have 35 ladies joining our Little Black Dress Challenge that starts December 1st. DONT WAIT til January to make a vow to yourself to start your workout..

Complete my application below to be accepted!


"You can FAIL at what you don't want.. So you might as well take a chance doing what YOU LOVE!" ~ Jim Carrey

WOW.... how profound is that?! 
A couple years ago.. I would have never understood what those words meant.. and today.. I am hit with HOW POWERFUL that truth is!!
I took the safe route of going into Corporate America to provide a living for my family. And while there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that.. I personally had a HUGE VOID in my life because my career caused me to be absent many hours of my kids lives. I missed MANY of their "first's". And I realized years ago that I was doing exactly what I did NOT WANT to do. 
The hardest thing I've asked myself is if taking a leap of FAITH would be worth it. And today.. I proudly say YES! It is ABSOLUTELY worth it! My kids are WORTH IT!
I think its obvious that I'm a Beachbody Coach.. and I SHARE my journey with you all because of the blessings that my family and I have been given. It would be an injustice if I didnt invite as many of you into this opportunity. 
Because if you're like I WAS..
- working Full Time
- missing out on many of your kids "FIRSTS"
- tired of being tired, run down, frustrated, short tempered, always late, always rushing
- health deteriorating
- living paycheck to paycheck
- negative and always in a rut
Then this is an opportunity you don't want to miss out on! 
Living a life by design sounded CRAZY to me a couple years ago.. and TODAY.. I'm so OVER-JOYED that this is available to ANYONE that wants MORE for themselves and their families!
I am looking to mentor 5 ladies that are EXACTLY like me! If you are struggling physically, financially, socially... then you dont what to miss out on this opportunity!

Here's what I'm looking for:
*** Someone who wants to grow a 6+Figure income.. or you can be someone that wants to add an extra $500 per month to help with bills, vacation money, extra spending money, etc...

*** Someone who believes that they have a BIGGER PURPOSE in life! You don't have to know how to run this business as I will be working ONE on ONE with you to help you grow and teach you what has made me successful!

*** Someone that is COACHABLE and TEACHABLE! You must be willing to learn and grow. Will be asked to step outside of your comfort zone! The road to SUCCESS begins there!

*** Someone that LOVES helping others and is ready to get into the best shape of their lives!

So.. if any of this resinates with you... and you have been watching my GROWTH.. NOW is the time to ACT!!! We are loading up this train and it is LEAVING!!!! I welcome you to JOIN this ride with us!!!!!!


YOU are a BADASS!!!!

Ok.. so my team and I are reading YOU are a BADASS by Jen Sincero.. and I'm trying to keep it to only a Chapter a day, but this book is SOOO GOOD!!!!  

I HIGHLY recommend it! Especially if you feel like you are meant for so much more!  


YOU are the ONLY PERSON holding you back from reaching your goals!! No one else.. just plain ol' YOU!

Once you realize that there is an infinite world of opportunities WAITING for you to discover them.. and you learn how to step aside so that the FEARLESS person being held back can run free and chase them down.. will you see things change!

See.. One thing I never understood or even fathomed.. was that ANYTHING you want is possible. I was brought up to believe that only the rich get richer and unless you're "LUCKY" (like a movie star or an athlete), you aren't really meant to have great things. In fact... by wanting MORE things.. you are being selfish. 

ONLY now though.. after finding Beachbody and coaching.. did this small window open for me to believe that I was MEANT for GREATER things! I'm meant to help others and serve others! I can provide for my family an AMAZING OPPORTUNITY to live a life by my own creation.. and the only way I'll achieve this.. is by just BEING ME! and Sharing what it is that I have to offer! and if I dont reach those dreams/goals.. no one stopped me.. only MYSELF!

So today.. I encourage you to JUST BE YOU! Stop holding yourself back from doing the things you TRULY want to do. Stop limiting yourself and your beliefs! 



Not bad for NOT FLEXING, huh?
I've was thinking about where I was LAST YEAR compared to THIS YEAR.. and I'm not gonna lie.. I instantly became a little disappointed in myself. But then I IMMEDIATELY told myself to STOP COMPARING! 
Sure.. I haven't been completely firm on my nutrition and I've had more cheats than I would have liked (Summer BBQ's got to me too 
and Sure.. I haven't been 100% committed to working out everyday. Life got in the way for me too!
I feel like I haven't made a DRASTIC change in my transformation.. but guess what?
I am not perfect, nor do I want to be!!! 
But I have PERSISTENCE and DETERMINATION to NOT give up! To keep working on being a better person than I was a year ago... The old me would have already been telling myself that with the Holidays coming up.. I will get started again in JANUARY.. NOT this time!

I'm opening 3 more spots to JOIN ME for my Next Challenge! DONT WAIT til 2015 to get started! Get STARTED NOW!! Do it for YOU! 
Do it to be BETTER than you were last year!
Message me for details on how you can get your spot! 
or complete the application below to be considered:


21 Day FIX!!!

What is the 21 Day Fix???

The 21 Day Fix was created by Celebrity Trainer BIKINI COMPETITOR Autumn Calabrese!!  It was HOT even before it hit the Shelves!!


Well… This program was designed to focus on Nutrition!  Not that other Beachbody programs don't focus on Nutrition… But this one specifically categorizes HOW MUCH of the right type of foods you SHOULD be eating.

So.. everyone's heard of Portion Control, right?  Well, thats EXACTLY what the 21 Day Fix teaches you!  How to eat the right foods through clean eating.. and MOST IMPORTANTLY… in the right PORTIONS!  You know that saying "TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING?".. Well you can actually be eat too much of the right foods!
The first 15 days consists of doing 1 workout/day, then on the last week you can do the double : one workout in the morning and another in the evening. The workouts are:

  • Total Body Cardio Fix. Rises your heart rate, boost your metabolism into overdrive for long-lasting weight loss benefits.
  • Upper Fix. Specifically works the back, shoulders, arms, chest and abs for a great swimsuit body.
  • Lower Fix. Works the thighs, calves and butt for the rest of your beach-ready body.
  • Pilates Fix. Uses core strength moves to tone and elongate the torso and tighten up your thighs, butt and hips.
  • Cardio Fix. Insanity cardio workout that kicks the first workout into overdrive.
  • Yoga Fix. Boosts flexibility and relaxes your muscles to keep them in perfect tone.
  • The caloric intake will lead you to know the exact number of each container and teaspoons (oils, nut butters or seed butters) a day. The eating plan comes with 4 caloric levels, as you can see in the picture :

The GREAT thing about this program is that you get these AWESOME color coded containers with your package!  So basically, each color symbolizes the type food category you are allowed to eat.
1. Purple - Fruits
2. Green - Veggies
3. Red - Protein
4. Yellow - Carbs
5. Blue - Healthy Fats & Cheese
6. Orange - Oil & Seeds

The 21 Day Fix exercise program consists of 2 DVDs that have 3 workouts out (6 in total). Each workout is crafted to deliver a “massive calorie burn” in just 30 minutes. Every workout is different and increases in difficulty from the previous workout and comes with a modifier so you scale the intensity level of the workout up or down to meet your personal comfort.
From yoga to pilates to cardio, the workouts are well crafted, inspiring, simple and exciting!


Who has time to wash their hair everyday?

I don't know about you, but it takes me FOREVA to do my hair!!  

And days like today.. Where I just need to get out of the house.. I use dry shampoo.. I think I've tried every brand.. But now.. I have FINALLY found one that I LOVE!!

Batiste!!! I got the cherry one.. And am digging the smell!

After spraying onto my roots.. I combed my hair out with a square paddle brush.. Then went over it with a flat iron! Voilà!!


Are you READY to take a LEAP OF FAITH???

A year ago I took a leap of faith... Not just for myself, but for my family!

I CHOSE to invest my passion into helping others!  Through fitness and life experiences, I get to help women, moms, and wives become more confident, positive and just happier with life overall.

And while there have been many challenges along the way.. mostly FEAR of FAILURE... I know that I am getting closer to my goals everyday!  Closer to helping MORE people just like me, that want to feel more confident in their own skin.. Want to be PRESENT in their kids lives... and Want to build a GROWING BUSINESS that provides Financial Freedom for their families!

I don't how I stumbled across Coaching a year ago.. However, I am firm believer that someone higher CHOSE this for me!  And through God's favor, I have been given an opportunity to PAY IT FORWARD!  So.. you may be asking yourself.. What does this mean?

It means that I am looking for 3 other women JUST LIKE ME to help grow a business from their home.. that not only allows them to be apart of something BIGGER than themselves.. but allows them gain a sustainable residual income week over week!

I'm looking for women that are:

~ TEACHABLE  Although I would love to accept more than 3,  I will be investing the majority of my time in teaching you HOW to grow this business from the ground up with a SOLID FOUNDATION.. I need people that are coachable and ready to RUN with it!

~ COMMITTED to getting in the best shape of your life in 2014!  If you've already started your journey.. then you are already a step ahead of the game.. If not.. there is NO BETTER time to start than NOW!!

~ FUN & WILLING TO SHARE  Just because this is YOUR BUSINESS... you must be ready to have fun with it!  Treat it like its YOUR million dollar company and be willing to SHARE what you know.. and you will never "work" a day in your life!

If this is you.... and are ready to make 2014 an AMAZING year for yourself and your family, then complete my application here:

I will be selecting my 3 Coaches to participate in my FAST TRACK program by April 21!

This is only open to my NEW personally sponsored coaches :)


JOIN my May Mommy BOOTY MakeOver!!!!

I am SO excited that this program is ON SALE!!! Its the one that jump started my fitness journey and helped me work on the area of my body that I struggled with THE MOST!!!!

My BOOTY!!!!

I know many women can relate because I get messages ALL THE TIME that ladies either want to make em:


And this program does ALL OF THE ABOVE!!! And I'm on a mission to help as many MOMS lift their "problem area"

Fill out the form below to join!!


Helping others is WHERE it's AT!!!!

I remember reading Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich about a year and a half ago and thinking to myself that I wanted nothing more than to help others… NOT for my own personal gain.. but because its so rewarding to make someone ELSE happy!

I initially discovered Beachbody to keep myself accountable so that I could reach a goal and actually COMPLETE a program… I would have NEVER thought at the time that I would be receiving messages from MY coaches FIRST thing in the morning to tell me that they received they BIGGEST paycheck for ONE WEEK of helping others do the same!!  

My coaches are in AWE because people are trusting them.. to help them...

- To complete a workout program.. 
- To eat cleaner..
- To get motivation for something that THEY'VE been WANTING for so long..

The JOY and EXCITEMENT that my coaches have from seeing their business thrive and GROW has been ABSOLUTELY REWARDING beyond belief!  I could tear up!

Our team does NOT consist of professional fitness trainers or experts in nutrition.. 

Instead, we are made up of stay at home wives/husbands, part time college students, active duty military, full time professionals in Corporate America, teachers, and hair dressers!  We are normal regular people!!

All doing one thing in common… HELPING OTHERS! 

Seriously though.. If you have been thinking about joining.. You don't want to miss out!  It could be YOU messaging me first thing in the morning!!

Apply here:
Coach Application


The POWER of Positivity!!

I remember a few years back when I was in my darkest place.  I was a single "married" woman… You know.. the type that had the title of "married", but did EVERYTHING by themselves.  I took the kids to school, got them ready, went to birthday parties, COMPLETELY by myself!  Oh yea… All while working a full time job and juggling my under-grad.  

But I'm a firm believer that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger :)

During that time in my life, I was a different person..  Not only was I struggling with balancing work and family life… I also battled constant criticism and was abused mentally and emotionally.  

Because of the belittling.. I became negative, filled with self doubt, angry, and lost all my self-esteem.  And really… All because I ALLOWED myself to!  You see, its easy for someone to put you down and slowly strip away at your being everyday.. But when you allow it and tolerate it, You're just as guilty in the process.  During that time… I was weak.  I put up a wall and found pleasure in other peoples miseries.. Mostly because It took away from mine.  

I'm not proud by any means of the person that I was at that time.. In fact, I was very lonely.  And although I had my amazing kids and family… I separated myself from everyone.  I distanced myself from my family and friends.  I found excuses to stay at home.. just so I wouldn't have to be the "single married" person.  

When you consume your mind with something, that's EXACTLY what you become!  I was buried in so much negativity that I told myself all the things I could NOT do… and so.. I DIDN'T!

But after reflecting on my life.. And realizing that I wasn't happy with the person I had become… I decided to make changes!

I remember when I first watched The Secret by Rhonda Burne.  It was as if each person in that Documentary were speaking directly to ME.  Granted, I was skeptical at first of the possibility that ANYTHING is possible.  I mean… I had dealt with so much up until then.  I was in the midst of all the WHY ME's and self doubt.  How is that possible to just BELIEVE in something… and it MANIFESTS?!  If your not familiar with the Laws of Attraction.. It basically translates to YOU ATTRACT THINGS INTO YOUR LIFE BASED ON YOUR THOUGHTS! OR.. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE!  

It was definitely a hard pill to swallow thinking back to everything that I had been through.  But, it was TRUE!  I had allowed myself to be mis-treated.  I had allowed myself to be talked down to and belittled.  

I had to start making changes!  First within myself!  Before I could fix any of my surrounding situations, I needed to reflect on my behaviors and choices that I had made so that I could correct them.  

Here are a few key findings that helped me to invite POSITIVITY in my life.  

1. Being at PEACE with the past!  First and foremost, ACCEPT the past!  This is the most difficult one because without inner peace, we tend to fall into the "WHY ME" phase.  And if you spend time thinking about WHY things happened, you will never begin to heal.  Now, definitely don't forget what has happened in your past, but learn to accept it.  Only then, will you be able to learn how NOT to make the same mistakes.  

2. Find GRATITUDE in ALL of your surroundings!  Once you have learned to move on from your past, take a look at your surroundings!  Everything from the clothes on your back to where you live to the job you have and the people that surround you.  Though some of these may not be your ideal circumstances, this will be a very humbling experience for you.  Because the clothes you have, may not be designer.. but they cover you and keep you warm.  And while the job you have may not be your DREAM job, it provides for your basic needs.  You get the point… 

3. Give THANKS for EVERYTHING!  This was one that I can honestly say I took for granted.  Once I opened my eyes everything I had been exposed to.. I was able to truly be thankful for it!  And give THANKS for every small detail.  I would wake up and write what I was thankful for and before I would go to sleep, I would give thanks for everything throughout my day.

4. Replace WORRY & SELF DOUBT with Positive Affirmations!  Its normal to worry and have doubts.. but the problem lies when you dwell on those thoughts.  As soon as I would have a negative thought, I immediately would replace this with a positive thought.  This is the hardest one to focus on, but re-directing myself back to gratitude always kept me on track.

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