
LIFE Happened?

"LIFE" happens!
Ever said that to yourself when you dont have time to workout, lead a healthy lifestyle, or stay on course with your goals?
GUESS WHAT??? That ^^^ is just an excuse to NOT do things!
Here's the thing.. We are ALL living life! that means we are in the moment.. right now, this second.. everyday! LIFE will not change for you to accomplish things you want!
Sure there are major events in our lives that come up (catastrophe's) that will prevent you from doing things.. but LIFE doesnt go away.. its here.. and you're in it! so when I hear things like "Life happened" I can't help but think that is just an EXCUSE to NOT do things that will help you get closer to your goals! Its like "life" is trying to bring you down so you dont succeed.. when in reality.. LIFE is a celebratory existence! The WAY in which you exist is what matters.. 
Now.. dont take this the wrong way.. because I am absolutely a compassionate person.. but the "LIFE HAPPENS" saying has got to stop! THAT will always be an excuse to lean on.. Instead.. we need to find it in ourselves to make changes in our lives so that life isn't "HAPPENING" to us.. but instead we are EXISTING in IT!
I shared something very personal yesterday.. and its something I battle every single month for atleast a week on end.. and there are many times that I want to shut down and RUN AWAY.. but I learned a valuable lesson in this.. LIFE HAPPENS.. and I have no other choice but to deal with it the best I know how! and while I am blessed to be able to take time to myself... that also means NOT losing sight of my goals! and WHY it is that I am living! to lead a life filled with PASSION to somehow make a difference in the world.. whether a small difference or big difference has yet to be determined.. but I still plan on making it!
So while it may be easy to fall into the LIFE HAPPENS category.. I know that I will not grow or become stronger by allowing that excuse to define who I am! I will use LIFE to build me up so that I can reach my goals with that much more grace and humbleness. 
How you HANDLE life is what matters most!  heart emoticon heart emoticon
PS.. I truly have nothing but love for everyone! and want you to see that life doesnt slow down..
so you can either roll w the punches and take control of LIFE..
or it can just happen to you.....
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