
A year from NOW you will have wish you started!

I don't know about you.. but I am SO READY for the New Year! and you wanna know my FAVORITE part... its the COMMITMENT that everyone makes to change!

I remember back to 2013 when I FINALLY told that voice in my head to Shut Up! You know.. the one that says:

"You Cant Do It".. 
"Life is Too Crazy"..
"There Isn't Enough Time In The Day"..

For me... 2013 was the BEGINNING! I embraced the Challenge to shut that voice up! 2014 I was able to MAINTAIN! (trust me... that is seriously the hardest part of the process!) And since then... I have been able to help countless women get started on THEIR journeys!

I know sometimes people may question WHY I take pics.. but let me tell you.. Thats truly HOW I gauge my progress! I teach my clients how to focus on THIER bodies instead of the "scale". I was comparing my progress from 2013-2014.. and my weight in BOTH pics is the EXACT SAME! but there was definitely some changes made!

I am so excited to get my very first Challenge Group of the New Year underway! 2015 is going to be HUGE!

I'll be accepting 20 ladies for my Biggest Loser Challenge starting on January 5! Please fill out the application below! Hurry though.. My December challenge capped out at 54 challengers in a matter of DAYS!




I can't stop thinking about something Elysia said to me last night... 
As much as I do self-development.. I think its SO IMPORTANT to get my kids going as well.. Shoot.. If it took me over 30yrs to realize that Positive Thinking is a life changer.. it would be the absolute gift of all to get my kids started NOW!
Anyways... she just started reading 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C. Maxwell

.. and as we were discussing it last night.. Her BIGGEST take-away from the VERY FIRST chapter was.... 

She struggles from procrastination  (wonder where she gets it from?) 
“The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it.” ~ John C. Maxwell
One of the assignments in the book is to repeat.. "DO IT NOW" over and over, about 50 times.. EVERY morning when you wake up and EVERY night before you go to bed. Do this 5 days a week and 50 weeks a year.
And then it HIT ME... I have read this book already.. and yet this is something I NEVER picked up on! How could I have missed such a thing? But, this was my 13yr olds BIGGEST take-away?
and so it has been weighing on my mind.. in a good way 
We, as parents lead by example. Our kids are a direct reflection of US! and as much as we want to TEACH our kids everything and show them all the right.. there is SO MUCH that our kids pick up on.. that WE MISS! Its so important to HEAR what they are saying and allow them to TELL us their perspective of things.
Sometimes we miss the ball.. and they NAIL IT!!!!



Wow! Coming across this pic of me from 4 years ago when I "thought" I was in the BEST SHAPE of my life AFTER 3 kids... and seeing this pic from today.. has me SHOCKED!

NOT because of the difference in Pant Size.. 
But because... 
4 years ago... I was tired... stressed out.. accepting of the fact that there was NO WAY I could change anything else about my body.. especially AFTER having kids!
- I didn't work out because there wasn't enough time in the day
- I was TIRED of being TIRED
- My nutrition consisted of hot cheetos and beef jerky (<----YUP!)
- I couldn't make it up a flight of stairs WITHOUT losing my breathe
- I had HIPS and they DONT LIE
- I was a smoker of 15 years (only quit during my pregnancies)
- I drank about a bottle of wine a night... maybe more on weekends...
- I was short-tempered and could snap at the drop of a dime
I'm HEALTHIER and HAPPIER! Thats all!
I love life! I don't strive to be perfect.. only BETTER than I was the day before!
The fact that I've LOST WEIGHT in the process is ALL a RESULT of a decision I made 21 months ago... which was just to GIVE myself an hour a day to focus on ME!
That decision has forever changed my life! My kids lives! and my Family Life!


Affected by Holiday Weight?

I can't wait to do the 3 Day Refresh again!! It's amazing how 5lbs can make such a DIFFERENCE! Not just in how I looked.. but how I felt!!!

I remember the BIGGEST change from the refresh was how much energy I had... not to mention... I slept like a baby!

Check out my review from the first time I did the Refresh!

Day 1 Review
Day 2 Review
Day 3 Review

I peaked at the November promotions and they are STILL offering the Refresh FREE with the purchase of the PIYO challenge pack!!!!! Click the link to get yours!!!

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