
My 2016 ONE WORD!

The New Year typically results in Resolutions.. Resolutions that tend to go unmet year after year.

But what if.. instead of making a list of resolutions.. you had just ONE WORD that you will live by for the year?
What if.. that ONE WORD changed the way you think, work, act and feel towards everything you apply it to in life?

Wouldn't that be LIFE CHANGING?

I've thought long and hard about this.. and have been challenged to find a WORD that I can live by this year.. a word that keeps me accountable.. a word that will lift me up on my days when I'm down..

My word is COURAGE!

Believe it or not.. 2015 for me was a year of complacency and fear. And if you have goals in life.. complacency leave no room for improvement! I have help myself back from so many things and literally shifted into a mindset that was surrounded by fear and doubt. A mindset that I worked so hard to stray away from because of my past. And while I am not the same person from my past.. my MIND has shifted. I refuse to lead life with fear in the forefront. I want to be fear-LESS! And so when I thought about my one word for 2016.. I thought about COURAGE!

When I think about the word COURAGE.. its exactly how I want to lead! Lead my life.. lead my team.. lead my challengers!

Having COURAGE doesnt mean that you dont or wont have fear.. but its what you do in the face of fear that will define you! and COURAGE is what will take you thru that! COURAGE means being able to follow your heart! Often times we dont do what we truly want to do because we are afraid and filled with worry about. Thoughts flood our mind and literally "talk" us out of staying true to our dreams. COURAGE gives us the perseverance to keep moving forward. To keep striving to be the best we can be. EVEN in the face of adversity! and lets be honest.. we will ALWAYS have some type of adversity in our lives. But COURAGE is what picks you up!

So while I have many goals that I will be achieving this year.. I know that COURAGE is what it will take! COURAGE is what I have!

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