
Day 1 of 3 Day Refresh

Started the 3 Day Refresh today.. because I dont know about you.. but I indulged a little too much over the Halloween weekend!.  And to be honest.. this is something that Ive done in the past and achieved great results!

Here is a quick look at my meals for the day!

Day 1 Lunch
Day 1 Snack
Day 1 Dinner

Check out my review from the first time I did the Refresh!


LIFE Happened?

"LIFE" happens!
Ever said that to yourself when you dont have time to workout, lead a healthy lifestyle, or stay on course with your goals?
GUESS WHAT??? That ^^^ is just an excuse to NOT do things!
Here's the thing.. We are ALL living life! that means we are in the moment.. right now, this second.. everyday! LIFE will not change for you to accomplish things you want!
Sure there are major events in our lives that come up (catastrophe's) that will prevent you from doing things.. but LIFE doesnt go away.. its here.. and you're in it! so when I hear things like "Life happened" I can't help but think that is just an EXCUSE to NOT do things that will help you get closer to your goals! Its like "life" is trying to bring you down so you dont succeed.. when in reality.. LIFE is a celebratory existence! The WAY in which you exist is what matters.. 
Now.. dont take this the wrong way.. because I am absolutely a compassionate person.. but the "LIFE HAPPENS" saying has got to stop! THAT will always be an excuse to lean on.. Instead.. we need to find it in ourselves to make changes in our lives so that life isn't "HAPPENING" to us.. but instead we are EXISTING in IT!
I shared something very personal yesterday.. and its something I battle every single month for atleast a week on end.. and there are many times that I want to shut down and RUN AWAY.. but I learned a valuable lesson in this.. LIFE HAPPENS.. and I have no other choice but to deal with it the best I know how! and while I am blessed to be able to take time to myself... that also means NOT losing sight of my goals! and WHY it is that I am living! to lead a life filled with PASSION to somehow make a difference in the world.. whether a small difference or big difference has yet to be determined.. but I still plan on making it!
So while it may be easy to fall into the LIFE HAPPENS category.. I know that I will not grow or become stronger by allowing that excuse to define who I am! I will use LIFE to build me up so that I can reach my goals with that much more grace and humbleness. 
How you HANDLE life is what matters most!  heart emoticon heart emoticon
PS.. I truly have nothing but love for everyone! and want you to see that life doesnt slow down..
so you can either roll w the punches and take control of LIFE..
or it can just happen to you.....



I had some goals that I set for myself and gave myself a deadline to reach.. and guess what.. I FAILED! I did NOT reach them.. 
And I instantly started to feel discouraged, demotivated, a little depressed, and even questioned my abilities. The feeling of FAILURE started to sink in..
But then I remembered a quote I had read a couple years ago.. (<---YES.. Personal Development STICKS with you for YEARS!!)

"Most great people have attained their GREATEST Success just one step beyond their GREATEST Failure!" ~ Napoleon Hill

See.. most people feel or experience failure and GIVE UP.. They stop dead in their tracks because in all honestly.. who really wants to admit that they arent good enough for something. I gave up PLENTY of times before.. and I know from experience.. that the feeling of GIVING UP is so much harder to absorb than the feeling of failure.. In fact.. giving up causes regrets! and regrets can last for an eternity.. it can be something that you even take to the grave.
I have so many people tell me that they can't do what I do with coaching.. and in all transparency.. YES YOU CAN! In fact.. you could be better! I am no different than anyone else out there.. But I am different in the sense that I wont GIVE UP! Ive been there and done that.. and I will take being a FAILURE far over giving up.. In fact.. I can honestly say that I have FAILED my way to Success! Over the past couple years, I have never worked harder on myself to be a better person, a better leader, a better coach! Someone who inspires others to get started, pick themselves up when they've fallen, and never give up!
And so I am sharing this with you all because while its easy to let the feelings of inadequacy take over.. there comes a point when you need to stick up for yourself and be OK with Failing! Failing is far more prevalent in this life than Succeeding.. but something strange starts to happen the more you fail.. you end up being SUCCESSFUL! Everything you wished for in the beginning of your journey.. happens after you've failed at it!!!
So today.. as I think about the goals that I set.. I am not giving up on them.. I'm setting NEW ONES.. BIGGER ONES!!! Because I know that I am that much closer to them on the other side of FAILURE! 
Change your mind to see things differently and your LIFE WILL CHANGE!!


A Case of the Monday Blues??

Seriously.. I LOVE MONDAYS!!!

I used to think of Mondays as the beginning of a LOOOONNNGGG dreaded work week!... but I've allowed myself to be open to change and opened my mind up to a new way of thinking. See what you FOCUS on E X P A N D S !!!

So if you go into the week or start your day with the mindset that its already going to be horrible.. then it will! Everything that will unfold will be exactly what you thought it would be.. BUT if you change the way you think.. just slightly.. and tell yourself how wonderful MONDAY's are.. (even if you dont believe it at first) You will eventually learn to LOVE the beginning of the week! The beginning to start fresh.. wipe out the previous week.. and set your sites on bigger things!
Why live life dreading every moment of it?
I've been there... and done that.. and TRUST me.. thats no way to live!


21 Day Fix Transformation!!

Wow.. I could not WAIT to Share these results from one of my Challengers! 
Check out her AMAZING results! I usually have people ask me "what happens after 21 Days?".. and the answer is this... YOU REPEAT the PROGRAM until you get your desired results!!!!
Kat did JUST that and her results are SOOO GOOD!!!! Don't get me wrong.. she was BACK to her pre-baby weight AFTER the 1st round (21 Days) and into her size 0 jeans by the 5 week!
In fact.. Kat fell in LOVE with the 21 Day Fix that she decided to do it 3X! AND even signed up as a Coach to help others get started JUST like she did! I am SO Proud of the work this girl put into her fitness journey!!!!
Seriously.... the 21 Day Fix has been THE BEST program to get my Challengers.. shoot... my coaches.. and EVEN myself into the the BEST shape!
PLEASE show this girl some LOVE for all her hard work and dedication!!!!!



But I just have to say it.. Moms, Women, Ladies.. our bodies are our temples! Every stripe, imperfection, and scar.. is BEAUTIFUL! I hear over and over again that women want to get "RID" of their stretch marks.. and I'm not gonna lie.. I was that person for YEARS! 
With gaining almost 50 lbs with Elysia (and Jordin.... and Logan....) I got stretch marks! ON MY BUTT!!! Everywhere! All over the place! They are there! Wearing shorts or a bikini.. they are definitely noticeable! and I tried EVERYTHING to get rid of them.. in fact, they actually fueled my insecurities to NOT wear shorts (for almost 10yrs) or go swimming.. and I always made sure that if I did go to the pool, that I wore a towel over my waist and only took it off at the edge of the pool and then got in as quickly as possible.
It wasn't until I learned something VERY VALUABLE! I had to learn to LOVE MYSELF before they no longer became an issue for me. 
Being a Health and Wellness coach has allowed me to see that the most beautiful woman is NOT one that is physically fit.. she is one that can walk with her head held high in Confidence knowing that she understands her body is a TEMPLE! A Temple that breeds life and beauty. She also breeds compassion and love. Whether her tiger stripes were given to her by creating brand new life or by transforming her own temple through her weightloss journey.. stretch marks should not be viewed as a "bad" thing! They should be viewed as her STRENGTH! That she has endured so much physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually! And THAT is so Powerful in itself!
Are there things that we can change about ourselves?
YES, ABSOLUTELY.. in fact I believe that we should place focus Daily on making ourselves a better person! and part of that is a physical transformation so that we can be healthy and live life vivaciously! 
But we need to get to a point.. where our Tiger Stripes MATTER! Not in the sense that we need to hide from them.. but we need to EMBRACE them and wear them with PRIDE! No magic wrap or pill or scrub will get rid of them.. and WHY would yo want to? They say so much about your Journey in Life! So.. this Summer.. my HOPE is that we.. as Women.. LOVE OURSELVES enough to show off our hard work!
There is a saying that Sheep go through life oblivious to what is happening around them.. they eat, sleep, drink, and follow their shepherd around..
BUT a TIGER.. a Tiger roams the jungle with Confidence and Awareness! They don't need to be led.. instead they live by their own law!

SO.. if you have Tiger Stripes.. like I do... Roam freely this Summer with Confidence!!! Show 'dem bad boys off!!!!! SHOOT... You worked HARD for them!!!!


Beachbody Healthy 7-Layer Dip

2 medium ripe avocados
2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
1 dash sea salt (or Himalayan salt)
1 dash ground black pepper
8 oz low-fat plain Greek yogurt
2 tsp. all-natural taco seasoning, no salt added
1 (15-oz) can nonfat refried beans, warm
4 medium tomatoes, chopped
1 yellow pepper, chopped
1 bunch green onions, ends trimmed, sliced thin
2 Tbsp. shredded cheddar (or pepper jack) cheese (½ oz)
1. Mash avocados in a medium bowl.
2. Add lime juice, salt, and pepper; mix well. Set aside.
3. Combine yogurt and taco seasoning in a medium bowl; mix well. Set aside.
4. Top serving platter with beans, avocado mixture, yogurt mixture, tomatoes, peppers, green onions, and cheese.
5. Serve with baked tortilla chips.


Shakeology Ice Cream

Ok... so who doesn't like ice cream?...  Right!  Everyone loves it!  I found a recipe that not only allows me to indulge a bit, but its healthy for me!

You may be curious about Shakeology.. and I don't blame you!  I was the same way.  And to be honest.. I wouldn't stamp my name on something that I absolutely did not believe in.  Take a look at all the AMAZING benefits of it!

So you can imagine my excitement when I discovered this GEM recipe!  I tweeked it and found the BEST alternative to Chocolate Ice Cream that is absolutely GUILT FREE!!  Who doesn't want to that?

Chocolate Shakeology Ice Cream Recipe
  • Ingredients
  • 6 ice cubes
  • 1 scoop of Chocolate Shakeology
  • 2 cups of almond or coconut milk
  • 1 cup Greek Yogurt plain
  • 1 tablespoon Coconut Oil (melted)
  • 1 tablespoon of peanut butter or almond butter (optional)
  • Directions
  • 1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly together in a blender.
  • 2. Pour into a bowl, dish, or mold, and cover tightly.
  • 3. Place into the freezer for two hours.
  • 4. Serve and garnish with fresh fruit, nuts, or a tablespoon of dark chocolate chips.


Guilt-Free Banana Split? Yes Pleas.....

Need a Sweet Treat?

When it comes to sweets, I'm not much of a fan.. in fact, when my body craves anything.. it's usually something salty.  But every now and then.. about once a month.. I WANT CHOCOLATE!  and typically I don't feel guilty when eating it because thats just it.. I don't usually eat sweets. 

BUT.. my challengers and coaches LOVE it!  So, to help all my ladies out, I came up with this Guilt-Free gem!  Yup.. you heard me.. G-U-I-L-T  F-R-E-E!

Here ya go!  ENJOY!  We sure did!


1 Scoop Chocolate Shakeology
3 tsp Organic Coconut Oil 
3 small Bananas
1 cup Strawberries
Coconut Oil spray

1 cup fresh Pineapple cubed
2 tsp sliced almonds 

Peal bananas and slice about 1/2 inch thick.  Cut stems off strawberries.  Spray coconut oil on lined parchment paper and place fruit on it touching each other.  Place baking sheet in freezer for 2 hours.  

In small mixing bowl, melt coconut oil for 30 seconds.  Add Shakeology and mix together.  OPTIONAL- Add sliced almonds here at this step

Take fruit out of freezer.  And drizzle chocolate mix over fruit.  

Chocolate with immediately get hard and fruit will be ready to eat.  


21 Day Fix progress- Day 11

Its Day 11 of the 21 Day Fix and I am LOVING how much my body is responding!!!!! I have not been this lean in a WHILE!

So as you may know.. I was doing Body Beast for months.  And with that, my nutrition was far from the best.  In fact.. I used the fact that I was counting macros as my crutch to indulge more than I should.. in EVERYTHING!  And while IIFYM is not a bad thing and so many women have gained great results from it.. I found that I personally was just not ready for it.  My body was not ready for it.  Body building is definitely more a mental challenge than a physical challenge.  I have plans to go back to lifting.. and heavy!  but I want to transform myself first a certain way, before I take that plunge again. 

And right now, 21 Day Fix is doing EXACTLY what I have been looking for!

What are you doing today to get yourself more healthier and fit? Its ok if you didn't do anything yesterday.. or even last week.. Start today!! You don't NEED a Monday to start! Get it RIGHT today!!


21 Day Fix- Day 9

Seriously.. I'm in the 1st bracket of the 21 Day Fix Caloric Target.. and even though I was doing Body Beast and IIFYM.. I have been having a hard time getting all my food intake in.. 

I mean.. IT IS SO MUCH!!! 

EVERY DAY!!! ... So if you LOVE food, like I do.. then you NEED to follow the Fix!

I'll be honest, I am sticking to the nutrition plan 100% and am seeing some fantastic results.. FAST!  

I try to keep things simple, clean, and tasty for my family!  With 3 kids, I need meals that they all enjoy.. and Asian is definitely something they love.  

If you're interested in the recipe, I'll be posting in my meal section soon! Stay tuned!



Low-Carb Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Pizza Pizza

I've been following the 21 Day Fix program and really focusing on the nutrition part.  Typically, I don't encounter any issues, but to be honest.. I feel like I'm getting bored with some of the meals I've been making..  I mean really.. how many times can you chicken and steamed veggies.  

Not to mention.. planning out the containers!

BUT.. and I stress.. I really LOVE the program and the results I'm seeing!

So.. what do you do when you've used up all your Yellow containers and you have to prepare dinner for the family.. and they are screaming for a Pizza night?!

I actually found some recipes on cauliflower Pizza crust.. and decided to add some extras!

Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!!


Nonstick spray
2 1/2 cups cauliflower, grated (about 1/2 a large head)
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 1/4 cups shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/4 cup tomato sauce
1 cloves garlic, minced
Dried basil leaves, optional


  1. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper, and preheat oven to 425ºF. 
  2. Chop the cauliflower using a food processor (you could also use a grater but will take longer) until you have two and a half cups of cauliflower crumbles. Place in a large bowl and microwave for 2-3 minutes, or until soft. Remove from the microwave and let cool.
  3. Mix in the egg, one half cup mozzarella, parmesan cheese, garlic, salt and pepper. Once combined, pat into a 10-inch round on the prepared pizza pan. Spray lightly with nonstick spray and bake for 10 to 15 minutes, or until golden.
  4. Top the pizza with the sauce, 1/4 cup mozzarella, and other ingredient of your choice. Top with basil.  Bake in the oven until melted and bubbly, another 10 minutes


The BEST Taco Soup!!

So anyone that knows me, knows that anytime there was a party or get together, I just about ALWAYS brought Taco Soup... For those of you that have been craving it since the cooler weather is now in effect, here is the recipe! 

There are substitutes at the bottom if you are looking for something cleaner :)

1 lb Ground Bf
2 cans pinto beans
1 can dark red kidney beans
2 cans of Rotel (tomatoes & green chilies)
1 med size can of hominy
2 packets of taco seasoning
1 dry packet of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing

Ground Turkey for Bf
Fresh tomatoes for canned tomatoes
White corn instead of hominy
No ranch dressing
cumin, garlic, salt, paprika, pepper instead of taco seasoning

Brown beef in large pot. Add ranch and taco seasoning. Add all cans with all liquid. Add 1 cup of water (you can add additional water for you desired consistency). Cook until boiling, then on medium heat for 10 minutes.

You can top with the following items:
-non-fat sour cream or greek yogurt
-shredded sharp cheddar cheese

ENJOY!!! I would love to see pics from those of you that make it smile emoticon


OverNight Oats!!

Let me start off by saying that I like to be as SIMPLE as possible when it comes to eating clean!

I have never been a breakfast person and would normally just have my Shakeology as my first meal of the day, but since starting Body Beast, my body needs a more solid meal.  So now replace one snack with Shakeology instead.  Since I like meals that are easy and simple and fit in with my busy lifestyle as a mom and business owner.. I needed something that I can easily grab N go!

This led me to OverNight Oats.. and let me say, I love oatmeal first of all.  But don't always have the time to make it.  I always recommend Old Fashioned oats or Steel Cut oats (these take FOREVER to make though).. make sure to stay away from that instant crap. 

But knowing the benefits alone, make it that much more appealing to make sure you add as a daily staple.  It lowers cholesterol, reduces blood sugar levels, and can boost your immune system just to name a few.  

I've seen so many versions of OverNight Oats floating around more and more.. and my challengers swear by them.  So today I decided to give them a try!

Here's what you'll need:
1/2 cup Oats (I used super oats that contain quinoa and chia seeds)
1/2 cup Almond milk
1/4 cup frozen berries
1/4 cup fresh strawberries
2 teaspoons Greek Yogurt
1 teaspoon sliced almonds
pure vanilla extract
mason jars
First, add oats to mason jar, then layer yogurt, milk, extract, cinnamon, fruit, and almonds into the mason jars!  

Let sit in fridge overnight to enjoy in the morning!  Post your favorite recipes below to be featured here on my Blog!


Live the Life of your DREAMS!!!!

I'm sitting here typing this blog to SHARE just how EXCITED I am!!  

I remember coming across this crazy thing called "Coaching" one day when I was scrolling through Google trying to find transformation pics of women that had similar body types as me.. JUST to try and get motivated enough to work out.  Seeing that this "coaching" job allowed people to work from home and replace the traditional J-O-B income almost instantly fascinated me.  You mean to tell me that people don't have to work 8-5... or in my case 7-6 to make a full-time income?  The thought of that sounded so crazy.. but still fascinating!

As I started researching more and more... I saw pics of coaches taking vacations and working out and just filled with so much positivity!  I KNEW from that moment that I WAS MEANT to live that same lifestyle!

I remember when it hit me.. it felt like a ton of bricks fell on my head!  There was a weight that just came over me.  But in a good way if that makes sense.  It was as if my passion flowed through every vein in body.  What the heck was Passion to me up until that point?  It was NOTHING.  I had lived over 30 years of my life with NO PASSION.  I never had a clear direction of what to do with my life.  I actually went about life living the status-quo.. you know graduate, get a job, go to school, get married, have kids... and in my case.. NOT in that order might I add!

But all of a sudden.. I was full of PASSION!  and DRIVE!  and DETERMINATION!  that THIS was all meant for me.  I also remember that I did the ugliest happy cry ever!  

Fast forward to 22 months later... and I JUST booked my cruise room for hubby and myself to set sail in March of 2016 to Jamaica!  We had our honeymoon in Jamaica!!!  I feel the same flood of energy taking over and I am beyond ECSTATIC!!!

Just to recap what the last 2 years have been like for me...

1.  Retired from my Full-Time Corporate job
2.  Built a team of over 40 coaches all set out to help others all by working on themselves
3.  Helped about 100 women (a few men too) get started on their fitness journeys, gain confidence, and start believing in themselves again
4.  Attended Beachbody's Summit in Las Vegas 2015
5.  Personally meet celebrity trainers Autumn Calabrese creator of 21 Day Fix, Sagi Kalev creator of Body Beast, and Leandro Carvalho creator of Brazil Butt Lift
6.  Performed on stage at Summit congratulating my upline and #1 coach in all of Beachbody
7.  Attended the Bombshell Dynasty Leadership Retreat in Orlando, FL and stay a 14k sq ft mansion along w 30 other TOP leaders in the company
8.  Grown in my leadership and personal development
9.  Regained my FAITH
10.  Built and reconnected with so many new and old friends



Not included was having to relocate 2 times to 2 major cities (was able to take my "job" with me), the ability to travel to TX, FL, SD, NM, and parts of CO all because my schedule is flexible, spending quality time with my kids without stress or frustration (a feeling I knew all too well when working in Corporate America), and the financial freedom to pay off all credit cards (all from my Beachbody income).

2015 and 2016 are already expected to be much more EPIC than the last 2 years!  and I owe it ALL to the one decision I made.. to become a coach!

I share all of this because 2 years ago.. I had no direction in my life.  Yet having my eyes open when the opportunity presented itself has left me speechless.  My life has done a complete 180 and am living a life that I only imagined in my dreams!  and because of how much my heart has been over-filled by Coaching, I wish the same for everyone!

You may not know where your life is going or even what the opportunity of coaching will do for you... but if there is even a small glimpse of Belief in yourself and FAITH that you were destined for something greater in this life... Coaching may be EXACTLY for you!

Feel FREE to message me on Facebook or here on my blog if you would like to go over your dreams and goals in life!

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christinepenafitness


Turn your DREAMS into GOALS!

Part of my 2015 Resolution is to get more focused and tuned in on my Goals.  One thing I have learned over the course of Coaching career, is that its nice and dandy to dream.. but at some point you HAVE to turn those dreams into REALITY!

Pretty crazy to think that YOU have every CAPABILITY to do that!  

I was always brought up to believe that only the rich are rich and the movie stars are movie stars.

But here's the thing... WE are ALL MOVIE STARS!  We are ALL in our own journeys creating our own MOVIES!  How amazing is that?

I signed up for Darren Daily which is a mentorship to help Conquer our Dreams.  Its a 10 STEP guide to help you achieve your goals.  Most times we focus on our failures and our fears more than our gifts and purpose in life.  Yet, when you tune in to those VERY key things, you'll notice a shift happen.  A shift in the way you think, the way you work, the way you LIVE.

So today was the Day 1 Action Plan to Conquering your Dream.  I am so excited because its easy to look past some very simple steps to working towards our goals.  And the first and foremost driver is our HUNGER!  

Interestingly enough, when it comes to Beachbody and what truly motivates us, its our WHY.  Well your HUNGER power or WHY power are the EXACT same things!  Ask yourself what drives you?  What lights that fire that burns deep down in your core?

One you are able to identify that, your "journey" becomes more clear and defined.  
Here are a few questions to help you dig deeper into your HUNGER/WHY:

1.  What do you WANT?
2.  What do you WANT to PROVE?
3.  Why do you want to reach this GOAL?
4.  What do you get out of reaching this GOAL?
5.  What actions do you need to take to GET THERE?

Make sure that you are setting goals that are S.M.A.R.T.  

Specific- know EXACTLY what it is that you want to achieve.  Layout every detail.  Most all times, we need to be able to visualize our goals down to the very detail, in order to set it in motion.

Measurable- once you know WHAT you want to achieve, make a list of the actions you need to take to get there.. basically.. a check list!

Attainable- dreaming BIG is awesome... but remember to make your goals within arms reach.. or legs reach.. something that is not so easy you can meet it tomorrow (thats not really a goal).. but also not something that is so far fetched that you may never have the resources to reach it.  

Realistic- here is the tricky one... what truly is realistic?  To each his own.  You create your reality!  However when setting goals, make sure to break them down.  Its ok to have BIG goals, but breaking them down to smaller realistic ones will help you keep your course.

Time-bound- lastly, set a date!  If you don't have an end date, you will be working towards you goals forever!  something about having a deadline just makes us work our tushies off to reach it!

I hope that these TIPS help you with turning YOUR  dreams to goals and creating the reality that you envision!

Happy Goal-Setting!

~ xoxo
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